Staffing and Organisation 

Shao Zhihao, ultimatly responsible for HSANNU and the International Centre

Vice Principal (VP)

The host school appoint a Vice Principal of the school to support the running of The Centre. Tim (YANG Jing Yun) is the current VP.

Centre Director (CD)

The host school appoint a Centre Director to manage the day-to-day running of The Centre. Maggie (MA Ge) is the current CD. She guides the CP and CLO in the management of The Centre. The CD is seen as the representative of the host school appointed to ensure the success of the project.

Centre Principal (CP)

Dipont appoint a Centre Principal. The current CP is John Humphreys. Under the guidance of the AD (Academic director Dipont) and CD, the CP manages the day-to-day running of teaching activities in The Centre and implements strategies for its future development.

IB Coordinator (IBCO)

Dipont appoint an IB coordinator. The current IBCO is Mashome Ramatubi. Under the guidance of the CP, he manages the PIB and IB programmes and students and is the link to the International Baccalaureate Organisation (IBO).

CAS Coordinator

The CAS coordinator, Carrie (LEI Xiao Yu). is responsible for developing and overseeing the CAS programme, assigning CAS Advisors to students and monitoring student progress with respect to CAS requirements.

TOK Coordinator
Rhona Bhuyan is the ToK coordinator. She is responsible for the design of the ToK programme and for overseeing its delivery through other teachers.

Head of Department (HOD)

Heads of Department as part of a middle management structure reponsible for managing their department

Teaching staff Staff

Expatriate Staff

  • AF Anthony Friend (Business and Economics)
  • CS Chandra Sekhar Mogilisetti (Physics and Maths)
  • FO Fritz Obrien (English, History and TOK)
  • GM Greg Marthews (Acting HOD, Maths)
  • IC Ian Conner (Chemistry)
  • JC Jason Chitty (HOD Science, Biology and Chemistry)
  • JD James Drake (Maths)
  • JM Julie Murphy (Acting HOD Humanities, Business and Economics)
  • JR Jacob Reed (English)
  • RB Rhona Bhuyan (Head of TOK, Humanities)
  • RH Rob Heipel (Geography and English)
  • SD Suelene Drake (Visual Arts and TOK)
  • SL Simon Lee (HOD English)
  • TC Tamara Cook (English)
  • WA Wilson Agata (Physics and Maths)

Locally hired teachers:

  • Verona (WANG Bing) VB EAL
  • Eva (ZHANG Yakun) EY EAL
  • Nannan (LI Nan Nan) NL Chinese Literature
  • Hannah (ZHU Xin) HZ Chinese Literature
  • Jason (QIU Yuqiang) JQ Chinese Literature

Pastoral Staff

Heads of Year (HOY)

Heads of Year role includes monitoring student progress including CAS in liaison with the Centre Principal and Centre Director. Heads of Year are also responsible for day-to-day discipline issues in consultation with the subject teachers, communicating with parents, translating student records, and organising the cleaning of classrooms.

  • Selina (BI He Nan) (PIB)
  • Cathy (LIU Hang) (IB1)
  • Sarah (FAN Li Yuan (IB2)
Centre Liaison Officer (CLO)

Dipont appoint a Centre Liaison Officer. The current CLO is Carrie (LEI Xiao Yu). She heads the Chinese administrative staff to provide efficient administrative and logistics support. She also acts as a mediator between the CD and CP. Under the guidance of the AD and CD, she manages the day-to day running of the counselling staff and Centre Coordinators..
College Counselling Staff (COC)

Athena (LIU Xiaofang), Lisa (WANG Xiu Ling), Ruby (XIE Yan Yan),Elaine (YANG Dan), Daine (DENG Jinglong), Katherine (ZHENG Xi) are employed by Dipont to provide college counselling for students from The Centre who opt into this additional service. Working with teaching staff they provide professional advice on university courses and admissions’ procedures and oversee the students' university applications and visa requirements. The Counsellors will also be the Heads of Houses and have time in the timetable for this responsibility

Other Staff

  • Amanda (TIAN Shi Ge) is the librarian.
  • Victoria (GAO Ying) ) is the librarian
  • Miffy YIN (YIN Mei Hua) admin assistent
  • Mr. Hua (HUA Shu Hai) coordinates maintenance
  • Lucy (Wan, Li Xu) Laboratory Technicians
  • Linda (Kang, Xue Lin) Laboratory Technicians

  • Academic Director (AD): John Birchall
  • Human Resources Director (HRD): Noel Li
  • Deputy Academic Director (DAD) Stephen Fulton  responsible for HSANNU IB Centre within Dipont.
  • Academic Quality Managers (AQM):
  • Responsible for various subject areas, John Altman has specific responsibility for the HSANNU Centre.